Sunday, 29 July 2012

Life is Clothing Optional

It`s Sunday.  I arrived back in town Friday night but this has been the soonest I could get back to my blog to fill in the last few details of the Road Trip to Nowhere.  Forgive me.  Or not.  I don`t care... just keep your clothes on. 

Let`s go back: Friday morning.  The last day of the crazy road trip.  I`m tired out and can barely see straight.  Nevertheless I got crap to do.  I got people waiting for those last few items on my list to be checked off.  I`ve got millions and millions of fans depending on me!  Ok... Maybe 20 or 30 semi interested if there is nothing on TV at the time.  

I hop in my van around 9, after a great sleep and breakfast at Maple Hill (PS: They have a clothing optional sign at their hot tub.  What is it about Maine and nudity??)  It has rained overnight and 90% of my birthday markings have been washed away off my van.  The inside is completely trashed from my neglect and I start thinking about what Mark is going to say when I get home.  I leave anyways.

Along the way, I stop in Bangor to buy out the whole cosmetic section at Big Lots (mascara $1!) , fill up the van and buy lunch secretly for the guy in the pick up truck behind me in line at McDonalds.  Thank God he only ordered nuggets and fries because I'm just about broke.
At the border, the customs guy asks if I was at a wedding or something while eyeing my smudged out writing on the van windows.  I say no.  He asks more questions.  I reply in short answers until I can't take the seriousness anymore and show him my list along with my passport.  It's the first time I've ever seen a customs agent smile.  He looked at the windows again and said, "I sure hope that stuff comes off."  Does he know my husband??

While driving home I took my letter of regrets and love letter, tore it to little bits and threw it into the river while speeding over it.  It was like celebration confetti and I thought to myself that this is a celebration from my regrets.  The past is over and this is the New Year's celebration to a new year.  No looking back.

I had so much fun and adventure on my trip.  Yes... I would do it all again, even the creepy naked bed and breakfast, even the sweating my ovaries off sleeping at Walmart, everything.  I think if I miss my adventures once I get home, I'm just gonna go to Walmart and toss condoms into carts and take pictures.  This time I'm going to follow them to the check out line.  :)
I urge you all to do something crazy this week.  Life is too short to be so busy, so serious all the time.  I've heard over and over again this week from my awesome stranger friends how "life is too short", "we only live once", etc... and you know, they're right.  And the thing is... we don't have to drive a million miles to get a little crazy... let's start at home.  
I'm happy I could make so many people smile this week.  I'm glad to have heard their stories.  I'm looking forward to the next 40 years... my way.  

Thanks for reading and taking part of my adventures.


1 comment:

  1. Fantastic adventure - and you're a gifted writer too!
