Thursday, 19 July 2012

3 Days Left... and the Horrors of 40.

There are only 3 days left until the Road Trip to Nowhere officially commences.  There is only 7 more days until I turn 40.  One I am looking forward to, the other... meh... not so much.  It sounds so old.  

I remember when my father turned 40.  We were actually living in the house right next door to us now and my mother had thrown a huge surprise party.  She dressed up in some sort of wild west showgirl costume and had all their friends and family over for food, music, fun and all sorts of foolish carrying on.  THIS is my worst nightmare.  I do not want Mark to come out dressed in some sleazy costume.  I do not want my so-called friends showing up with tacky over-the-hill presents.  I do not want to pretend that turning 40 is just a number.  It is NOT just a number.  If it were just a number, we certainly wouldn't make such a frigging big deal of 40th birthdays then, would we?

Last year, my birthday was a real downer and I've resolved that this year, this very important milestone birthday, will not be like any other.  I will start living my life according to how I see is best for me.  I'm officially a grown up.  I think when we turn a certain age, whether it's our sweet sixteen or I'm-finally-an-adult 18, or the dreaded 40, we are forced to look backwards into our lives and wonder:  "What in heck have I been doing with myself all this time?" and then the even harder question of "What in heck am I going to do with myself for the next 40 years?"  Some people call this a mid-life crisis.  I call this everyday normal.

In the next few years, things are going to really change around our house.  (Who am I kidding, we are always making changes... we've moved more than 15 times in the past 20 years.)  Our daughter will be graduating this year, Mark will be retiring from the police force in   a few years, and me... I don't know.  I'll probably still be making crazy posts on Facebook, writing, doing makeup, traveling every chance I get.  I think turning 40 is pivotal to most people because it is a time for change.  Many at this age are like me, with kids growing up, husbands counting the days until pension, and questions on their mind of "Ok... what next?".

I don't know what's next for me.  I've often thought of opening a little cafe, or moving to NYC for a while, or writing a book... etc.  All I know is, whatever it is, I'm going to enjoy every minute of it and live like this lifetime is not a dress rehearsal.

I challenge you today to make your own "Road Trip to Nowhere" list.  No... you don't have to actually leave town to do any of it.  Write down 3 things that you've always wanted to do.  For me it was sleep in my van in a Walmart like my dad did traveling across the US and Canada for 6 weeks.. weird, yes... but it's on there nonetheless.  For you it might be to start writing a blog.  Who knows.  Stop putting it off.  Live like this is your life... because it is.



  1. hey funny girl...i think i'm going to join you on your road trip!! what you're writing is so true. when i turned 40 i expected something, i expected the queen to show friends,now enemies, (long story) surprised me with a fishing trip. The thing i remember most about turning 40 was how i expected something BIG. so glad you're embracing this time and going all out...not waiting for someone else to do it...bravo!!!!

  2. You and 40 others! lol!
    I want nothing more than NOTHING BIG. I would die.
